2 Questions To Ask When Hiring A Catering Service For Your Wedding Reception

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About Me

Creating Special Dishes After struggling to make meals my family wanted, I knew that I had to spruce up my routine. I began chatting with different people about what they typically made for dinner, and a friend of mine mentioned that it could really help to shop at local markets and find fresh foods. I began looking around for places that had things like that, and it was really neat to explore the options I had before me. I found a local market that offered fresh vegetables, and it was cool to incorporate them into the dishes that I was preparing. This blog is all about creating special dishes that work for you and your family.



After setting the date for your upcoming wedding, you are probably busy planning every detail of your big day so that everything goes off without a hitch. As part of your plans, you are probably planning on meeting with a caterer to arrange for food service for you and your guests. However, you may be unsure of where to start. If so, start by asking the questions below.

1. What Menu Choices Do They Recommend?

Most wedding caterers offer a variety of menu options to appeal to different bridal parties and reception atmospheres. Some of these choices range from elegant, expensive food to homey, cheaper menu options. Because of the various offerings, you may have problems trying to decide on what you and your guests may enjoy that will also fit within your budget.

When you meet with the catering service, give them as much information as possible to find out what they would recommend. Useful information to give them might include the theme of your wedding, whether the reception will be indoors or outside, and how many guests will be attending.

You should also give them an idea about your budget so they can recommend food choices that fit within the boundaries of your available money. They can also then figure up whether to give you a flat rate for the entire affair or charge per person, depending on what each individual decides to eat.

2. Does the Caterer Offer Alcohol Services?

If you are planning to serve alcohol at your reception, you also want to ask the caterer about what alcohol services they provide. First, you need to find out whether they have a liquor license and whether or not they provide the personnel to serve the drinks. Or, do you need to provide either or both the alcohol or bartenders?

If they do provide the alcohol, find out what brands they serve. Also, ask whether they will charge per drink or per person. The quote they give you for either of these should work with your budget. It can also help you decide whether you should limit the drinks per individual or have an open bar for your guests.

Asking the caterer the above questions can help you get started with planning out the details of the food and beverages to be served at your wedding reception. For more information, speak with a representative from the business offering wedding catering services to find out about everything they offer.

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