Three Reasons Why You Should Not Fear Sushi

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Creating Special Dishes After struggling to make meals my family wanted, I knew that I had to spruce up my routine. I began chatting with different people about what they typically made for dinner, and a friend of mine mentioned that it could really help to shop at local markets and find fresh foods. I began looking around for places that had things like that, and it was really neat to explore the options I had before me. I found a local market that offered fresh vegetables, and it was cool to incorporate them into the dishes that I was preparing. This blog is all about creating special dishes that work for you and your family.



Sushi is a Japanese delicacy in which many people partake. While many people cringe at the idea of eating raw fish and refuse to try sushi, you should know that you have almost nothing to fear from sushi. In fact, only people with a shellfish allergy should avoid it, unless the Japanese sushi restaurant can and does guarantee that the sushi is not prepared with, or near, shellfish prep stations of any kind. Here are some other reasons why you should not fear sushi, and you should actually try it.

​Not All Sushi Is Made with Raw Fish

​Sushi is a blanketed term that refers to many different kinds of rolls and fish and rice presentations on a plate. However, not all sushi is, or includes, raw fish. In fact, many sushi rolls may contain tempura fish, pickled fish, or dried fish. All of these other means of preserving fish means that the fish is not actually raw at all. Additionally, there are many​ sushi rolls that have no fish as an ingredient whatsoever! They may involve seaweed, vegetables, etc., but no fish, which means you can try those rolls first if you are not particularly brave.

​When Raw Fish Is Used, It Is Typically Farmed, Not Wild

​The regulations for many sushi restaurants in the U.S. require that the raw fish used be farmed fish, not wild-caught fish. The reason for this is the health concerns of the public. Farmed fish is very closely monitored and raised to avoid parasites, which would accidentally be ingested if the restaurant used wild fish instead.

With farmed fish, there is almost zero chance of a parasite problem when consuming the raw fish, and the restaurants serving sushi must undergo extremely rigorous state exams and monthly tests to assure public health. In addition to these strict regulations, the raw fish you consume is typically salmon, tuna, or some other briny fish that will not taste any different than that out of a can from the grocery store. The only difference is the coloration and freshness of the fish.

​The Pickled Rice Preserves the Fish

​There is a reason why Japan has used pickled rice for thousands of years to make sushi. The pickling spices and wine preserve the fish in the rolls and prevent the fish from spoiling. It is akin to the process used by Norwegians for centuries with their pickled herring. The spices and wine add to the flavor of the food and keep it fresher, longer.

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